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We are in the midst of a technological avalanche – surprisingly to many, AI has made the impossible possible. In a rapidly changing world maintaining and expanding our capacity to innovate is essential.
What: A conference about important developments in technology today and in the future
When: April 23rd-24th, 2022
Where: Online via Zoom
Price: Free
Zoom meeting details:
Day 1: (ended)
Day 2: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86114870355?pwd=bjd0NjczSWpzVURobHdLVVBlaC9WUT09
ID: 861 1487 0355 | Pass_word: scifuture
- Anders Sandberg (Future of Humanity Institute)
- Andres E. Gomez (Qualia Research Institute)
- Ben Goertzel (OpenCog)
- David Pearce (The Hedonistic Imperative)
- James Hughes (Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technology)
- John Smart (Accelleration Watch)
- Joscha Bach (Intel Labs)
- Mike Johnson (Qualia Research Institute)
- PJ Manney (Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technology)
- Pramod K. Nayar (University of Hyderabad)
- Stuart Armstrong (Aligned AI/Future of Humanity Institute)
- Tom Everitt (Deepmind)
- Monica Anderson (Syntience Inc)
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