Philosophy of Science – What & Why?
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Philosophy of Science – What & Why?

Interview with John Wilkins: Every so often, somebody will attack the worth, role or relevance of philosophy on the internets, as I have discussed before. Occasionally it will be a scientist, who usually conflates philosophy with theology. This is as bad as someone assuming that because I do some philosophy I must have the Meaning…

Life, Knowledge and Natural Selection – How Life (Scientifically) Designs its Future – Bill Hall
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Life, Knowledge and Natural Selection – How Life (Scientifically) Designs its Future – Bill Hall

Studies of the nature of life, evolutionary epistemology, anthropology and history of technology leads me reluctantly to the conclusion that Moore’s Law is taking us towards some kind of post-human singularity. The presentation explores fundamental aspects of life and knowledge, based on a fusion of Karl Popper’s (1972) evolutionary epistemology and Maturana and Varela’s (1980)…

The Shaky Foundations of Science: An Overview of the Big Issues – James Fodor

The Shaky Foundations of Science: An Overview of the Big Issues – James Fodor

Many people think about science in a fairly simplistic way: collect evidence, formulate a theory, test the theory. By this method, it is claimed, science can achieve objective, rational knowledge about the workings of reality. In this presentation I will question the validity of this understanding of science. I will consider some of the key…