Peter Singer – Ethics, Uncertainty & Moral Progress
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Peter Singer – Ethics, Uncertainty & Moral Progress

In this short interview, Peter Singer, a renowned philosopher and ethicist widely recognized for his thought-provoking ideas about universal ethics, discusses the value of life, moral progress, population ethics (aka population axiology), the far future, the uncertainties inherent in philosophical reasoning, moral realism (objective normative truths) and ‘alternative facts’. Points covered:0:00 Intro 0:08 Moral progress…

The Point of View of the Universe – Peter Singer
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The Point of View of the Universe – Peter Singer

Peter Singer discusses the new book ‘The Point Of View Of The Universe – Sidgwick & Contemporary Ethics’ (By Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer) He also discusses his reasons for changing his mind about preference utilitarianism.   Buy the book here:… Bart Schultz’s (University of Chicago) Review of the book:… “Restoring Sidgwick…

Ethics In An Uncertain World – Australian Humanist Convention 2017
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Ethics In An Uncertain World – Australian Humanist Convention 2017

Join Peter Singer & AC Grayling to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing society today – surviving the Trump era, Climate Change, Naturalism & the Future of Humanity. Ethics In An Uncertain World Event: Australian Humanist Convention 2017 – Melbourne, Australia Date: 7-9 April, 2017 – [Meetup Link] Location: Ibis Melbourne Hotel, 15…

Suffering, and Progress in Ethics – Peter Singer
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Suffering, and Progress in Ethics – Peter Singer

Suffering is generally bad – Peter Singer (who is a Hedonistic Utilitarian), and most Effective Altruists would agree with this. Though in addressing the need for suffering today Peter acknowledges that, as we are presently constituted, suffering is useful as a warning sign (e.g. against further injury). But what about the future? What if we…

Peter Singer & David Pearce on Utilitarianism, Bliss & Suffering
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Peter Singer & David Pearce on Utilitarianism, Bliss & Suffering

Moral philosophers Peter Singer & David Pearce discuss some of the long term issues with various forms of utilitarianism, the future of predation and utilitronium shockwaves. Topics Covered – long term impacts of various forms of utilitarianism – Consciousness – Artificial Intelligence – Reducing suffering in the long run and in the short term –…

The Life You Can Save – Interview with Peter Singer by Adam Ford
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The Life You Can Save – Interview with Peter Singer by Adam Ford

Transcript of interview with Peter Singer on ‘The Life You Can Save‘: I’ve been writing & thinking about the question of global poverty and what affluent people ought to do about it for more than four years now. The first article I published on that ‘Famine Affluence & Morality’ came out in 1972. But I’d…

Philosophy & Effective Altruism – Peter Singer, David Pearce, Justin Oakley, Hilary Greaves
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Philosophy & Effective Altruism – Peter Singer, David Pearce, Justin Oakley, Hilary Greaves

Panelists ([from left to right] Hilary Greaves, Peter Singer, Justin Oakley & David Pearce) discuss what they believe are important philosophical aspects of the Effective Altruism movement – from practical philosophy we can use today to possible endpoints implied by various frameworks in applied ethics. The panelists navigate through a wide range of fascinating and…

Peter Singer at UMMS - Ethics Utilitarianism Effective Altruism
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Peter Singer – Ethics, Utilitarianism & Effective Altruism

Peter Singer discusses Effective Altruism, including Utilitarianism as a branch of Ethics. Talk was held as a joint event between the University of Melbourne Secular Society and Melbourne University Philosophy Community. Is philosophy, as a grounds to help decide how good an action is, something you spend time thinking about? Audio of Peter’s talk can…