Aubrey de Grey – Artificial Organs as Replacement Parts to aid in Defeating Aging
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Aubrey de Grey – Artificial Organs as Replacement Parts to aid in Defeating Aging

Aubrey de Grey discusses using artificial organs and synthetic devices as replacement parts to aid in defeating aging. (Also see this interview where Aubrey discusses some of the various approaches that SENS therapy will likely be delivered.) Replacing a failing organ with a healthy one can sidestep the need for the various SENS therapies for…

Star Wars on Trial – A Feudalistic Fantasia Pushing an Elitist Anti-Democratic Agenda
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Star Wars on Trial – A Feudalistic Fantasia Pushing an Elitist Anti-Democratic Agenda

The Star Wars movie series has been the mainstay of imaginative fiction for children and adults since the mid 70s – many saw it as the gold standard of science fiction. When I was a child I used to collect all sorts of Star Wars paraphernalia – figures of some of the characters, tie &…

Aubrey de Grey – Engaging the Disengaged
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Aubrey de Grey – Engaging the Disengaged

There is likely a lot of mileage in engaging the disengaged in untapped support for more efficient progress in regenerative medicine. We need to talk about the familiar and positive aspects of rejuvenation medicine! Aging issues have appeared in the media a lot recently – all to often the narrative is skewed in the direction…

Vernor Vinge on the Turing Test, Artificial Intelligence

Vernor Vinge on the Turing Test, Artificial Intelligence

On the coat-tails of a the blockbuster film “The Imitation Game” I saw quite a bit of buzz on the internet about Alan Turing, and the Turing Test.  The title of the movie refers to the idea of the Turing Test may someday show that machines would ostensibly be (at least in controlled circumstances) indistinguishable…

Simulating for Computational Biology – Arun Konagurthu
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Simulating for Computational Biology – Arun Konagurthu

Arun Konagurthu is a Senior Lecturer at the Clayton School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. Between 2011-2013, Arun was additionally a Larkins Fellow at this faculty. Arun leads a small research group that researches mainly in computational biology and bioinformatics. His other research interests include data structures and…

Maria Entraigues on Anti-Aging and the SENS Research Foundation
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Maria Entraigues on Anti-Aging and the SENS Research Foundation

Interview conducted in 2012 with Maria Entraigues at the eXtreme Futurist Festival in Los Angeles 2012. Maria Entraigues is the Global Outreach Coordinator for SENS Research Foundation. As the outreach coordinator for the SENS Research Foundation, Entraigues has represented the Foundation internationally at conferences and in the media, and has explained and promoted the Foundation’s…