7th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS2015)
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7th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS2015)

November 23 – 24, 2015: Pre-Conference Workshop November 25 – 26, 2015: Conference [Official Website Here] Location: Monash University, Caulfield, Melbourne (Australia) Promo vid | Contact: abnms2015@abnms.org Keynote Speakers: The conference organisers are pleased to announce that Dr Bruce Marcot of the US Forest Service, Dan Ababei from Lighttwist Software, Netherlands and Assoc Prof Jonathan…

Automating Science: Panel – Stephen Ames, John Wilkins, Greg Restall, Kevin Korb
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Automating Science: Panel – Stephen Ames, John Wilkins, Greg Restall, Kevin Korb

A discussion among philosophers, mathematicians and AI experts on whether science can be automated, what it means to automate science, and the implications of automating science – including discussion on the technological singularity. – implementing science in a computer – Bayesian methods – most promising normative standard for doing inductive inference – vehicle : causal…

Bayeswatch - by Chris Guest
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Bayeswatch – The Pitfalls of Bayesian Reasoning – Chris Guest

Bayesian inference is a useful tool in solving challenging problems in many fields of uncertainty. However, inferential arguments presented with a Bayesian formalism should be subject to the same critical scrutiny that we give to informal arguments. After an introduction to Bayes’ theorem, some examples of its misuse in history and theology will be discussed….

Understanding the New Statistics
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Understanding the New Statistics

Geoff discusses statistics, confidence intervals, Bayesian approaches, meta-analysis, and problems with the use of ‘P’ values in significance testing. Discussion points: – Describe your background and involvement in statistics. – How have orthodox statistics helped psychology (& science)? How has it harmed the science? – What methods, models and tools do you commonly use in…

Simulating for Computational Biology – Arun Konagurthu
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Simulating for Computational Biology – Arun Konagurthu

Arun Konagurthu is a Senior Lecturer at the Clayton School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. Between 2011-2013, Arun was additionally a Larkins Fellow at this faculty. Arun leads a small research group that researches mainly in computational biology and bioinformatics. His other research interests include data structures and…