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Science, Technology & the Future
Conference in Melbourne Nov 30, Dec 1 2013
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[/av_textblock] [av_hr class=’short’ height=’70’ position=’center’] [av_textblock]We will address the latest game changing developments in exponentially growing technologies. Together the world’s leading thought leaders will explore areas such as biotechnology & bioinformatics, energy & environmental systems, networks & computing systems, AI & robotics, medicine & neuroscience, and nanotechnology.
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[/av_textblock] [av_hr class=’short’ height=’70’ position=’right’] [av_textblock]Kaleide Theatre RMIT
Address: 360 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000
RMIT Building
RMIT 360 Swanston StreetMelbourne 3000 Specifically: RMIT Kaleide Theatre, Building 8, Level 2
Nearby Train Station: Melbourne Central
Any tram stop near the corner of La Trobe St/Swanston St
Access is from Swanston Street!
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Waste can be converted into useful material – dramatically reducing our footprint on the environment
[/av_iconlist_item] [av_iconlist_item title=’Ethics Guided by Evidence & Reason’ link=” linktarget=’no’ icon=’ue80c’ font=’entypo-fontello’] Science is opening up more and more ways to pursue evidence based research on what it means to be human – expanding our sphere of ethical consideration
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