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Singularity Summit Australia

Humanity+ @Melbourne

Science, Technology & the Future

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We are on the cusp of a technological avalanche – with the internet of things we will see the digital frontiers expand further. It is clear that technology is a key driver of innovation. In a changing world maintaining and expanding our capacity to innovate is essential.


Science & Technology are essential for designing the future. With a philosophy of design guiding our progress in scientific research & technological innovation we can achieve great things! What high-impact technologies will preserve what we value and help to instill resiliency into our society?


Over the last few decades we have seen unprecedented technological change. Our ability to visualize impacts of technological convergence in the short, medium and long term is detrimental to our survival. With informed estimates of possible futures, we can hope to achieve clearer visions for a better future, let’s leverage growth in powerful new technologies to solve global problems.

Join us in Melbourne on Nov 30th – Dec 1st 2013 for an amazing experience. The conference will feature a diverse range of presenters: Scientists, Engineers, Artists and Philosophers will discuss evidence-based research, community awareness of rapid technological change, and scenarios for navigating our future.