Event: Responding to the Replication Crisis & Achieving Public Trust in Science – Martin Bush
What is the replication crisis in science? What does it mean for public trust in science?
Martin Bush will discuss these issues as well as the repliCATS project as a response to the replication crisis.
5.30 – Meet, great, and eat.. pub food – it’s actually not bad! Feel free to come early to take advantage of the $8.50 pints from 4.00 onwards (after 6, you can say you are part of the event, and you will still get $8.50 pints for the rest of the night).
6.50 – Introduction – Adam Ford
7.00 – Talk: Martin Bush – Meta-Science and achieving public trust in science
The RepltCATS project : Collaborative Assessment for Trustworthy Science – crowdsourcing predictions about the credibility of published research!
Martin’s Bio: My meta-research work focuses on public trust in science, and draws on my expertise in the cultural history of popular science and professional experience in science communication and the museum sector. Particular research interests include planetariums, public reasoning practices, the science communication work of the Ngarrindjeri Australian David Unaipon and popular astronomy in Australia in the era of the lantern slide.
– https://theconversation.com/profiles/martin-bush-440789
– https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/individuals/dr-martin-bush
– https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/profile/70466-martin-bush
FB Event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/181615326585711/
Meetup Event here: https://www.meetup.com/Science-Technology-and-the-Future/events/268767257/