Michio Kaku – The Future of the Mind – Intelligence Enhancement & the Singularity
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Michio Kaku – The Future of the Mind – Intelligence Enhancement & the Singularity

Scifuture interview with popular scientist Michio Kaku on the Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance & Empower the Mind! The audio of this interview is found here. Dr. Michio Kaku advocates thinking about some of the radical Transhumanist ideas we all know and love – here he speaks on the frontiers of Neuroscience, Intelligence Enhancement, the…

Jamais Cascio – The Future and You! Security, Privacy, AI, Geoengineering
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Jamais Cascio – The Future and You! Security, Privacy, AI, Geoengineering

Jamais Cascio discusses the Participatory Panopticon, Privacy & Secrecy, the ramifications of Disconnecting from the Chorus, what it means to be a Futurist, the Arc of Human Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, the Need for Meaning, Building Agents to Listen to Us, WorldChanging.com / OpenTheFuture.com, Geoengineering and the Viridian Green movement. We pollute our data-streams, to control…

The Singularity & Prediction – Can there be an Intelligence Explosion? – Interview with Marcus Hutter
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The Singularity & Prediction – Can there be an Intelligence Explosion? – Interview with Marcus Hutter

Can there be an Intelligence Explosion?  Can Intelligence Explode? The technological singularity refers to a hypothetical scenario in which technological advances virtually explode. The most popular scenario is the creation of super-intelligent algorithms that recursively create ever higher intelligences. What could it mean for intelligence to explode? We need to provide more careful treatment of…

The Life You Can Save – Interview with Peter Singer by Adam Ford
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The Life You Can Save – Interview with Peter Singer by Adam Ford

Transcript of interview with Peter Singer on ‘The Life You Can Save‘: I’ve been writing & thinking about the question of global poverty and what affluent people ought to do about it for more than four years now. The first article I published on that ‘Famine Affluence & Morality’ came out in 1972. But I’d…

Rationality & Moral Judgement – Simon Laham
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Rationality & Moral Judgement – Simon Laham

Rationality & Moral Judgement – A view from Moral Psychology. Talk given at EA Global Melbourne 2015. Slides here. What have we learned from an empirical approach to moral psychology – especially in relation to the role of rationality in most every day morality? What are some lessons that the EA movement can take from…

Metamorphogenesis – How a Planet can produce Minds, Mathematics and Music – Aaron Sloman
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Metamorphogenesis – How a Planet can produce Minds, Mathematics and Music – Aaron Sloman

The universe is made up of matter, energy and information, interacting with each other and producing new kinds of matter, energy, information and interaction. How? How did all this come out of a cloud of dust? In order to find explanations we first need much better descriptions of what needs to be explained. By Aaron…

Blockbuster Science!  Tech investors reward ‘Breakthough Science’
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Blockbuster Science! Tech investors reward ‘Breakthough Science’

Blockbuster Science! Its an awesome approach to incentivizing scientists – it’s great that people are applauding for stuff that really matters! People cheer at most ridiculous and inconsequential things – why not funnel this energy into science? Next step, create high production shorts for real world advances in science (with a tinge of flair) –…

Star Wars on Trial – A Feudalistic Fantasia Pushing an Elitist Anti-Democratic Agenda
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Star Wars on Trial – A Feudalistic Fantasia Pushing an Elitist Anti-Democratic Agenda

The Star Wars movie series has been the mainstay of imaginative fiction for children and adults since the mid 70s – many saw it as the gold standard of science fiction. When I was a child I used to collect all sorts of Star Wars paraphernalia – figures of some of the characters, tie &…