Amazing Progress in Artificial Intelligence – Ben Goertzel

You may have watched hundreds of episodes of The Simpsons (and its sister show Futurama) without ever realizing that cleverly embedded in many plots are subtle references to mathematics, ranging from well-known equations to cutting-edge theorems and conjectures. That they exist, Simon Singh reveals, underscores the brilliance of the shows’ writers, many of whom have…
The Star Wars movie series has been the mainstay of imaginative fiction for children and adults since the mid 70s – many saw it as the gold standard of science fiction. When I was a child I used to collect all sorts of Star Wars paraphernalia – figures of some of the characters, tie &…
“The Revolutions of Scientific Structure” reveals an empirically measured discovery, by science, about the natural world that is the human scientist. The book’s analysis places science at the cusp of a major developmental transformation caused by science targeting the impossible: the science of consciousness, which was started in the late 1980s by a science practice…
Honey bees – with a tiny brain the size of a sesame seed – can solve amazingly difficult problems (esp navigational challenges). Here is some research that suggests when young bees are stressed and sent out to labor too early – bee colonies collapse. – See MQU Article ‘Why stressed young bees’ early start to…
This talk is part of the ‘Stepping Into the Future‘ conference. Synopsis: The arrival of homo sapiens on Earth amounted to a singularity for its ecosystems, a transition that dramatically changed the distribution and interaction of living species within a relatively short amount of time. Such transitions are not unprecedented during the evolution of life,…
Interview with Stuart Armstrong (Aligned AI) Video / Audio of interview will be up soon To watch interview live, join the zoom call: Time: Nov 9, 2022 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, SydneyJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 813 2054 7208Passcode: scifuture Auditing and interpreting AI (and their models) seems obviously important to achieve verifiably safe AI (by…